Monday, May 11, 2009

Just, not all about Solitude!

Away from family; away from friends..a desserted flat, in a semi desserted street (still, wondering why i didn't encountered any spirits yet..this place has to be haunted!) 

A rendezvous with solitude, in city sheilding more than 15 millions! 

Wait a min; that's just not all about it..

When you go to new places, continously travelling, You make friends easily.

You Explore everything around you, develop curiousity; new lands, customs, food, and ways of doing thing begin to draw you in

You trust stranger and, hence, strangers trust you,

You build intuitive capability of sniffing trouble--which tells you when to leave a bar!

You have low expectation from unfamiliar; hence you are more pleasantly surprised than frustrated by life's ups and downs

You build integrity, in order to survive

You learn to survive on the strenght of who you are, just for the day, today.

You become interesting person, because you have many new stories to tell.

It's doesn't clinches here. Abad & New Delhi, here I come!!